My hope is that you will find it all so intriguing, so abso-
lutely fascinating, that in spite of some chronic pain, you will feel
compelled to make the searches yourself. Find someone willing
to help. Trade your information. It is less difficult than learning
to use a computer.
What You Will Find...................................................
First we will study and cure pains of all kinds, starting with
the toes and working our way up the body. We don't need to be
very specific about the location of the pain since bacteria and
toxins flow over to nearby locations anyway.
For each kind of pain, we will look into the causes so you
can eliminate them. Pain could come back in an hour if you didn't
know the bacteria were coming from cheese and you had a
cheese sandwich after zapping (killing parasites electrically). In
fact, the pain may not have had time to go away before the next
onslaught begins and you might conclude, wrongly, that this
method doesn't work.
Parasites might also come back to your specially painful
place from a few far away places that are hard to reach by your
zapper's electrical current. The inside of your eyeball, the testi-
cle, the interior of gallstones, the middle of a tooth abscess or the
bowel contents are such places. Your zapper current, because it
is high frequency, prefers to “go around” these items, rather than
through them. But with repeated zapping, and herbal parasite
treatment, you can decimate them, too, and stop reinfecting the
rest of your body.