Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

In fact, it is such knowledge about reinfection and sources of
our pollutants that is the most important contribution of the case

After dealing with pains we will turn our attention to the
diseases that aren't pain producing, like diabetes, myasthenia
gravis and so on.

Toe Pain.....................................................................

The ends of your feet get the poorest “service” from your
blood supply. They are the furthest away. The blood here has the
most accumulated acid and the least oxygen supply. The body
produces quite a bit of uric acid and this should, of course, be
excreted into the bladder by the kidneys. But if the kidneys are
doing a poor job of this, levels in the body and blood stream rise.
The blood can only hold so much. It holds even less in acid
conditions such as the ends of your feet experience. Uric acid
begins to settle out or precipitate at our feet.
Hippuric acid, too, is found where pain is found. Hippuric
acid is made in large amounts (about 1 gram/day) by the liver
because it is a detoxification product. It makes no sense to con-
sume benzoic acid, the common preservative, since this is what
the body detoxifies into hippuric acid. Read all labels on food
you buy. Don't buy any beverages or baked goods preserved with
benzoic acid. Citric acid is fine. The joints of the big toes are
favorite places for pain to develop. This is made even worse
when circulation is poor. Take a cayenne capsule with each meal
to improve circulation. If you cannot find your pulse just below
your inner ankle your circulation is poor.
The accumulation of uric and hippuric acid invites bacteria to
feed on them. As bacteria multiply the tissue fights back with

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