Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

inflammation. Now the stage has been set for pain. Some people
do not have pain although these acids and other deposits are
present making their joints knobby and unbending. Bacteria have
not found them yet or haven't multiplied sufficiently in them to
invade your tissues. Perhaps there are other reasons as well.
If you have toe pain your course of action is this:

1.Kill all bacteria possible with your zapper. Repeat daily
until no further benefit is seen.
2.Dissolve the deposits away. An herbal recipe, quite elabo-
rate, is capable of doing this. It is called the Kidney
Cleanse (page 549 ). Toe deposits are made of the same
crystals as kidney stones, which is why the Kidney Cleanse
works for toe pain. But because these deposits are far away
from the kidney, it takes longer than merely cleaning up
kidneys. It may take six months to make a significant dent
on these deposits. This will at the same time remove kidney
crystals so that these are no longer a source of bacteria.
3.Get teeth cavitations cleaned (cavitations are bone infec-
tions in the jaw where a tooth was pulled; it never healed;
see Dental Cleanup page 409 ). This can “magically” stop
the toe pain the same day as they are cleaned. The effect
lasts for days afterward showing it is not the dental anes-
thetic that is responsible. It also teaches you that the bacte-
ria in the toes can come from the teeth. But pain may return
as other bacteria find the deposits.
4.Clean the liver of stones using the Liver Cleanse (page
552 ). This, too, can give immediate pain relief in the toes
showing you they are a source for bacteria. Liver cleaning
may take you two years to complete! Meanwhile your toe
pain is receding. And, of course, this pays extra dividends
in health for your body.
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