Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

  • Then clean the liver (page 552 ).

  • Check body pH in the morning upon rising using Ni-
    trazineTM or other pH paper. Correct it as discussed in Toe
    Pain. If the urinary pH is 7 or higher, it means you have a
    bladder infection. Treat it immediately (page 101 ).

If there is any swelling around the foot or ankle, you are
“holding water.” It may be called edema. This is due to poor
adrenal and kidney function. The adrenals are located on top of
the kidneys and together they regulate how much salt and water
stays in your body. Because they are situated so close together,
they share their parasites and pollution. When the kidneys form
kidney crystals the flow
through the kidney tubes is
hindered, and less water and
salt can leave the body. It
stays in your tissues as
The kidney herb recipe
will dissolve the crystals.
But you must remove toxins
such as metal from tooth
fillings and kill parasites.
Continue doing the Kidney
Cleanse after the original six
weeks is up until all foot
pain and edema are gone.
Continue killing your tiny
invaders with a zapper
twice a week. You may need to cleanse the liver several times,
too, before all the pain and edema are gone.
The supplement, pantothenic acid (see Sources), is particu-
larly good for feet. Take 500 mg three times a day for several

Fig. 10 Your kidneys with the
adrenal glands sitting like hats
on top. The ureters lead to the
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