Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

weeks to see if it helps. Massage and reflexology are also good
for them.

Heel Pain...................................................................

Sometimes heel pain is due to heel spurs, sometimes it is not.
Heel spurs are due to deposits. The usual heel deposits are uric
acid and various phosphates. Uric acid deposits become a
breeding ground for bacteria. The phosphates give the deposits a
rigid structure that is hard to dissolve. You may have to choose a
pain killer, get specially built “orthopedic” shoes, or stop your
daily walks to get relief from the piercing pains. These will not
cure the problem but may “buy you some time” while you make
basic changes in your lifestyle.
Stop drinking tea and cocoa because they contain oxalic acid.
Stop drinking coffee, decafs, fruit juice and soda pop because
they are contaminated with solvents. All of these must be
detoxified by your body and eliminated by your kidneys. We
should spare the kidneys these extra tasks when we wish them to
clean up heel spur deposits. You must first dissolve the deposits,
then help the kidneys eliminate them.
To dissolve them, you alkalinize your body's pH, watching
over it carefully with pH paper or Nitrazine paper. To help kid-
neys eliminate them, use the Kidney Cleanse and drink lots of
water. Only water, not a beverage, helps the kidneys to eliminate.

Drink a pint of water upon rising in the morning, and a pint of
water between meals.

Do not buy “special” water. Use your cold tap water only. If
you don't like the taste of your own tap water, get it from some-

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