Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

more difficult to wash clean (sterilizing in a dishwasher is ef-
fective, though).
By drinking a total of four pints of water in a day, the kidneys
will notice the assistance. (Any single herb tea without added
salt or sweetener counts as water.) The urine will stop having
any odor and will become very light colored. This is especially
important while you are dissolving the heel deposits since your
body is now carrying these in the circulation.
Killing bacteria with a zapper may give you instant pain re-
lief and is, of course, beneficial to your body. But you can't ex-
pect the pain to stay away until the deposits are gone and the
source of bacteria is also removed. Go after the usual sources:
teeth and stones. Another source is dairy food contaminated with
Salmonella and Shigella bacteria. Sterilize all of it by boiling.
Even the amount put on cereal in the morning or used in
scrambled eggs is enough to reinfect you! Butter and heavy
whipping cream also need boiling. Stop eating yogurt and cheese
which can't be boiled.
Phosphate deposits are a mixture of three phosphates:
monocalcium phosphate (CaH 2 PO 4 ), dicalcium phosphate
(Ca 2 H PO 4 ) and tricalcium phosphate (Ca 3 PO 4 ). They are
formed by eating too much (way too much) phosphate relative to
Our high phosphate foods are meats, carbonated beverages
and grain products like rice, cereals, breads, pastas and nuts.
The body's normal elimination tactic for phosphate is to
combine it with calcium and magnesium in order to neutralize it
first. Unneutralized phosphate is very acidic and would burn the
delicate kidneys. But where shall the calcium and magnesium be
taken from? Magnesium is often in very short supply since it
comes from green vegetables in the diet and is not stored up in
any special organ. So it falls on calcium to be used for this pur-
pose since it is stored up (in your bones and teeth).

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