Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

kidneys form calcium phosphate crystals, heels form spurs, joints
become knobby with deposits.
Young persons and children, with healthy unclogged kidneys,
make–that is, activate–ample vitamin D, so even if they consume
too much phosphate and develop an acid condition that dissolves
their teeth and bones, they can put the dissolved calcium back
in its proper place. They don't develop hardened arteries, heel
spurs, and knobby joints, at least not at first. Their bodies can
take a considerable amount of abuse without showing it.
In general, people eat way too much phosphate. Meat eaters
eat too much meat. Vegetarians eat too much grain. Most eve-
ryone drinks phosphated beverages. In this way we set the stage
for hardened arteries, joint disease, calcified tissues that no
longer have flexibility. We all get kidney crystals that become
stones. This is aging. All these deposits invite bacteria to live in
them and on them, creating pain.

Old age and pain go together as if they were true partners.
Yet it is just the result of bad food choices.

Try to undo as much of this false aging as possible.

1.Reduce your meat consumption. Switch to fish which
supplies calcium in the tiny bones. It is true, these bones
are made of calcium phosphate and one might expect,
logically, to be getting a less effective calcium source.
Logic isn't necessarily biologically correct. The bones of
fish work nicely as a calcium source and their phosphate
content is not too great. Such a diet has worked for many
primitive societies. Further, I have never seen a case of
mercury toxicity from eating fish; amalgam tooth fillings are
our truly significant source.
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