Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

2.Reduce your grain consumption. Instead of cereal for
breakfast, add fruit and reduce the cereal to half. Cut bread
consumption in half. Cut pasta consumption in half. Cut rice
and corn consumption in half. Eat more bananas and other
fruits. Eat more vegetables; always choose potato (not
potato chips) instead of rice or macaroni. Always choose a
leafy salad instead of pasta salad. At any restaurant or
salad bar ask yourself: is this wheat, rice or corn? If so,
choose potatoes or other vegetables. Choose coleslaw.
Choose mixed fruit. You don't need to go off the grains,
only reduce them to improve your condition.
3.Take vitamin D as a supplement. Nothing less than 40,000
units has any real impact by the time there are problems.
This strength is available by prescription only (usually
50,000 units, which is close enough). To avoid getting a
polluted product, ask your pharmacist to follow the recipe
on page 560. (In the past some cases of poisoning by
overdosing resulted in this regulation. If you overdose you
will get joint and muscle pain and nausea but it is reversi-
ble.) Take one a day (not more), for the first three weeks,
then two a week forever after.
4.Finally, toss the carbonated beverages right out of your diet
or make your own (see Recipes). It is not the carbonation
that is harmful, it is the added phosphate. Drink water, herb
teas, homemade fruit and vegetable juices, milk or

Milk, like fish, is full of calcium in the form of calcium
phosphate. Again, logic might speak against the effectiveness of
this form of calcium. Again, logic is wrong. Evidently, the cal-
cium and phosphate story must be much more complex than I am
depicting here.
Milk works best as a calcium source, in spite of its phosphate
content. Possibly the lactose and other complexities of its

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