Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

composition contribute to this. My recommendation when de-
posits have formed anywhere in the body, such as heel, toe, ar-
teries, joints, is to switch to milk as a beverage. Compare the
calcium level of your urine before and after the switch (allowing
several weeks first). Also compare calcium levels in your blood
serum. It should move towards normal. This means up if it is too
low (below 9.2). It means down if it is too high (10). If you are
monitoring the effectiveness of the kidney herb recipe in
dissolving away your phosphate crystals, notice that drinking
milk keeps them from reforming. Taking calcium tablets does not!
Taking nothing lets them reform the quickest.

The milk must be 2% or higher in butter fat to be effective.
With your body fluids at their proper acid level, with your
kidneys able to flush out acids, with heavy metal toxins no longer
settling in, with your bone-dissolving stopped, your heel deposits
can shrink. Bacteria have no place to feed and breed. You can
kill them several times more with your zapper to catch stragglers.
And your heel pain becomes history. Be careful not to bruise the
sensitive tissue with too much walking or running immediately
after the pain is gone. Wear cushioning socks and well cushioned

Names in the case histories have been changed to ones of the
same sex, picked at random from a telephone directory. Other
facts may have been altered in non-essential ways.

Walter Jones, a man of 67, was diabetic for 14 years. His feet and
upper legs hurt so much for the past 13 years he could barely
shuffle along now. They were also cold and clammy. The herb,
juniper berry was added to the Kidney Cleanse recipe to make it
even more effective for him and he was advised to stop smoking,
using alcohol, and caffeine. He also started the parasite killing
program (at that time an herbal parasite program was being used

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