Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

instead of a zapper) and a liver cleanse that yielded several hun-
dred small gallstones. Three months from his first visit his legs
were better and feet OK, although he still had some trouble walking
due to pain in upper thighs.

Dinah Sagun, a minister's wife, had a lot of walking and standing to do
besides traveling a lot. She had knee surgery 15 years ago to re-
move deposits but now they were getting bad again. Also her heels
were sore. My tests showed she had phosphate and oxalate
deposits in her kidneys. She was started on the Kidney Cleanse
followed by the parasite program. She stopped using benzene
polluted items, especially her Chap StickTM. Her diet was changed
to include milk and leave out store-bought beverages. In 4½
months her heel pain was gone along with the bad headaches we
had not even started to work on.

Julie Fernandez came with a list of 10 serious problems including foot
pain and ankle swelling. Her urinalysis showed crystals. My test
showed they were uric acid crystals. Her parasites included Tri-
chinella. There was a house cat. Her toxic metal test showed tel-
lurium and platinum accumulation from metal dentalware and
arsenic from pesticide. She was to start on a Kidney Cleanse and
add the parasite program two weeks later. She was to remove all
roach hives and other pest killers from her house and arrange for
dental metal replacement. At her third visit, four weeks later, she
could walk without pain although she still had Trichinella and ar-
senic problems. Two months later she was aching all over again
and her kidneys hurt. She still had Trichinella and some dental
work to do. She was to do a 5-day high dose parasite treatment
and treat the cat also and repeat the kidney cleanse. This relieved
her pain.

Dorothy Shelley had numerous pains including foot pain in the arch,
lower back pain and cramps with her period. She had oxalate and
uric acid crystals in the kidneys so was started on kidney herbs.
Three weeks later her foot pain and low back pain were gone.

Paul Longtin had toe cramps, calf cramps, and heel pain. After cutting
down on smoking, quitting caffeine and soda pop and taking niacin
(250 mg time release; 1 capsule each meal and upon rising in
morning) and doing a kidney cleanse, all in three weeks, he was
much improved and didn't even need his arch supports.

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