Thallium has another source: it is riding along as a pollutant
in cotton swabs, cotton balls, commercial bandages, toothpicks,
floss, gauze, sanitary napkins, tampons, disposable diapers, and
paper towels. Evidently these are being sterilized with mercuric
chloride which, in turn, has thallium pollution.
- Line disposable diapers with a tissue
- Line sanitary napkins and pads with a tissue
- Use the polyester puff in the top of vitamin bottles in place
of cotton balls. Twirl some around a plastic stirrer for a
swab. - Use pieces of tissue and masking tape for bandages.
Fig. 13 Safe substitutes for personal products......................................
If you do have thallium in your white blood cells and you
haven't used toothpicks, etc. earlier in the day, then it is in your
tooth fillings and you have no higher priority than getting the
Use monofilament fish line (2 or 4 lb. test)
for floss
Use cheesecloth in place of gauze.