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Cancer is best seen as a failure of the immune system—we all develop cancer
cells (all the time) but it’s no problem for our immune systems to identify the
rogue cells and destroy them. So, logically, how can poisoning the immune
system with chemo help? Radiation too destroys immunity. That the main thing
that killed later victims after Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Lowered immunity is
recognized as one of the disastrous side-effects of radiation overdose!
So it’s no surprise that, contrary to all the propaganda, we are NOT winning the
war against cancer. That’s just sales talk to raise more funds for cancer charities.
Not that the money goes on research mind but it goes on huge unjustifiable
salaries for officers of the trust; the ones who are putting out these misleading
claims of success.
Whenever you hear of a new cancer “breakthrough” treatment in the press, you
need to realize there is no breakthrough, nothing new even. It’s just posturing by
the cancer mafia, trying to raise the share value of this or that company. If you
watch carefully for these orchestrated press releases, you will notice, as I have
done many times over the years, that they are preceded by an onslaught on
alternative therapies which they claim are proven worthless – or even dangerous.
That’s a joke when you consider the extreme dangers of chemo and radiation.
Having established the position that there is nothing you can do, no
hope, alternative therapies won’t save you, then BINGO there is a sudden
announcement of a new breakthrough drug or therapy that will save everyone.
I don’t want to break your hopes but I do want to say that statistics for survival
with cancer have not improved in 80 years, apart from a few very select cancers,
such as childhood leukemias, chorion cancer and testicular cancer. Couple that
with the fact that cancer is rising and you’ll see we are NOT winning the war.
Well, I’m saying all that to make sure you understand that you have choices and
you may want to turn against the orthodox approach and try something more
holistic. This is just to say that you will not be harming your chances of survival,
no matter what you are told.
However I do not suggest it is wrong to have chemo or radiation and many
patients opt for that. I support that decision and, as we will see shortly,
alternative medicine has a lot to offer. It can protect you against the worst side
effects. In over a decade I never had any patient who lost his or her hair!
All that said, let’s take a look at what you can do. Here there is almost a feast of
choices. What’s great is you can try several different things at once and, again