
(pavlina) #1
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Even more amazingly, he saw that when a Tubercle bacillus was destroyed, it
split into many smaller living particles, he called TB viruses (a virus at that time
was just considered to be a filterable bacterium).
These altered forms we call pleomorphism and it is bitterly disputed, even today,
that such a thing can take place. Of course none of the experts who deny its
existence has ever looked through a Rife microscope!

But Rife also saw something else, something startling, something that shouldn’t
be there!

This section is taken from my book “Virtual Medicine”, which you can get here.

Bacillus X

Rife saw curious tiny little living virus-size organisms in the blood of cancer
patients. They were too small to be bacteria but were not viruses. He found they
gave off a distinctive purple-red emanation when viewed in the microscope. He
named this entity bacillus X, or “BX” and claimed to have verified its existence in
every instance of carcinoma he examined.

At that time virus causation of cancer was unheard of. Moreover it was not
known that viruses were simply protein capsules containing either RNA or DNA.
On our present model, BX was cancer trouble just waiting to happen.

In fact Rife was able to convert from cancer to the organelle and back 104
times. He injected rats with the organelles and created cancers. These were then
used to obtain more organelles and pass the disease on to the next rat and so.
He did this 411 times in total, with the same result. Cancer was transferred by
something smaller than a bacterium. Could it be a virus?

But few were prepared to believe Rife. Despite widespread media of the day
claiming that “The cure for cancer has been found”, the idea of a cancer virus or
cancer bacterium was too far beyond the boundaries of knowledge at the time

Lethal Rays

Rife discovered that if you play a resonant electromagnetic frequency to an
organism it will oscillate or vibrate with it, until it bursts, like the singer’s trick of
singing the specific note of a drinking glass and make it shatter.

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