
(pavlina) #1
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intensity of prayer has an effect on the one who prays that is vivid and real and
is equivalent to direct intervention from above.

No-one can want something for us (like a healing) more than we want it for
ourselves. So personal prayer is the issue. For that there can be no double-blind
trials. I regard it as conceited and impertinent that scientists should presume to
try and “test” prayer in any such way.

Prayer is unique and personal and neither requires proof or validation, nor is it
susceptible to any kind of testing, in my view.

Those who pray can and should believe whatever they want. It doesn’t even
matter whether the desired change comes from within or from above. It
happens. And who could possibly prove it was not from God or Higher Power but
just a psychological adaptation?

Some truths are simply not separable from the remainder of reality.

Dr Winston Morrow MD tells a good story which, although not directly about
cancer healing, will give the reader a vivid illustration of how powerful prayer
healing can be:

Since 1988, when God miraculously healed me from having to have my left arm
amputated at the shoulder, I have prayed for all of my patients.

I have seen new shoulders, confirmed by before and after X-rays, tumors
the size of grapefruits disappear and so very many obvious spontaneous
and instantaneous healings that I can only conclude that God supernaturally

In the case of my healing, I had a white count of 75,000, my arm was swollen
to almost twice the size of my other arm, it was blue and green with obvious
gangrene, and the pain was so intense that I could not bear it.

After I was told, “we have to amputate your arm at the shoulder tomorrow
morning, because the IV antibiotics are not working and your whole body
is infected and your heart will literally turn to mush”, I checked out of the
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