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If you’ve spent any time on my website you’ll know I’m a fan of Dr. Ryke Geerde
Hamer ( and see
also section #12), who’s radical cancer theory is that all cancers are Nature’s
healing response to something, typically a severe psychic trauma or some other
threatening event.
This makes sense to me. I’ve never believed in the absurd attitude towards
cancer that it’s some kind of alien growth from another planet. It’s YOU, I mean
it’s normal body tissue that has changed and started to do something else. It’s
not a package from outer space that landed in your body!
I believe that if we seek to understand the true purpose of cancer (and ALL
diseases have a purpose, whether or not it’s clear to us), we can solve this
problem once and for all. Nature is not a fool and therefore if she switches on a
mechanism, she has a reason for it.
To assume Nature is stupid and misled is the most dangerous kind of arrogance I
know, not just physicians and surgeons, but most scientists are guilty of it.
In my profession, it’s killing people.
But the question hangs: is it because doctors are messing with it that
cancer becomes so uncontrollable and dangerous? Well, new evidence
suggests that’s very much the case.
Natural disappearance
Doctors and lay people have always known that some cases of cancer just go
away without treatment. If Dr. Hamer is right, this is what should happen. The
cancer manifests as a healing mechanism, the problem is resolved and the
cancer heals and disappears!
Voila! As the French say.
“We have a multi-billion dollar industry that is killing
people, right and left, just for financial gain. Their idea
of research is to see whether two doses of this poison
is better than three doses of that poison.”
—Glen Warner, M.D. oncologist (his license was
eventually revoked).