
(pavlina) #1
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My experience of conventional doctors is that they never try to fix causes, only
the results. They speak in terms of “treating” the cancer, without ever getting to
grips with why the patient has got it in the first place (they seem to think cancer
is no different to getting a bad throw in a cosmic crap shoot, instead of being the
result of preventable health causes that need to be fixed).

So while it’s wonderful to be given the “all clear”, remember it’s coming from
doctors as ignorant of health as you are (maybe more so).

If you don’t deal with the REAL problem (why you got cancer in the first place)
it will very likely come back. The door is still wide open to all the rats and they
WILL try to come back!

And while I am sounding off here, let me also warn you against the same
smugness in alternative practitioners. It’s especially easy to when you have a
good result from holistic therapies.

But the same warning applies: you must get the real cause of the problem and,
for example, there is ALWAYS an element of emotional toxicity that you need to

I lost a wonderful patient who set up the local Gerson support group. She had
overcome breast cancer, using the Gerson method. So when the disease came
back a second time, she naturally had great faith in it and went through the
program again.

But this time she was a little more nervous and came to me for IV infusions. It
went well; we beat the disease a second time.

Throughout her visits I begged her to get to work on emotional issues. Apart
from my knowing they are always there, the fact that she had a recurrence was
a clear signal (to me) that something was not resolved.

But no; she thanked me for my help and went away, believing she was OK. Or if
it recurred, she thought, there was always the Gerson method again. This was
very blind but, being very keen on Gerson, she could not see the truth which is
that it had actually FAILED her. It hadn’t dealt with the core issues in her life.

It makes me angry when Charlotte Gerson has the effrontery to stand in front
of an audience and say that emotional issues are of no consequence to a cancer
patient. She is of course protecting her father’s position (and also looking after
her own financial empire). But this is the kind of ignorance among alternative
practitioners that I deplore.

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