
(pavlina) #1
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#6. We’re All Battling Cancer!

This section heading might seem a bit of an exaggeration but some years ago
cancer overtook heart disease as the number-one killer disease of the West.
It’s not just a question of an aging population, as we shall see, but cancer is
primarily a disease of civilization. Elderly people among ethnic groups all around
the world who have followed a natural traditional lifestyle simply do not get
cancer: period.

Meanwhile, in the Western or “civilized” world, cancer has become a disaster. As
I said, the incidence for both sexes is 1:2 or fifty-fifty. That means either you,
or someone who is very close to you, is going to contract the disease. While
we might feel very sorry for the patient, let me assure you that it is no picnic
being with someone you love while they suffer and eventually die, miserably and
painfully. In some ways the survivors need more supportive care and sympathy
than the victim. Once the patient is gone, it’s over for them. But those left behind
still have to pick up the pieces and live their lives as best they can, with the
haunting memories of a stark reality that is often hard to bear. Even a belief in a
higher presence to our lives does little to assuage the pain and grief of loss.

So once again let me invite you to join me in learning how this brute can be
subdued. Here is a whole book CRAMMED FULL of knowledge about how to
overcome cancer. Make no mistake, it can be beaten. In some ways it is like a
game—a very serious game—but there are rules. If you don’t know the rules,
you have very little chance of winning.

In the next few sections I am going to teach you the rules as I know them. I’ll be
sharing with you lots of tried and proven strategies that have been successfully
used. Nothing in these pages is mere speculation.

With so much information available to you, you will be able to make wiser
choices and certainly you will be in a position to influence the progress of your
disease favourably. If you are learning for a friend or family member, make sure
they learn too and become involved with their outcome. It’s one of the oldest
dictums in all of healing that you can’t want recovery for a person more than
they want it for themselves. It just doesn’t work.

Bear in mind that not all the tactics I shall be sharing with you are therapies, as
such. For example the report on understanding and monitoring your own tumor
markers provides at least a dozen tools for beating cancer. Good nutrition is not
just one answer but covers hundreds of different supplements and oral remedies,
scattered throughout the book. The fact remains that there are over 500

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