
(pavlina) #1
Page 37

I repeat: To beat cancer you must take charge of your own health. You need
to become the executive manager or chief-of-staff for your own case. Don’t be
panicked by threats that you will die horribly and quickly if you do not opt for
surgery, chemo or radiation: doctors who treat you in this way are a disgrace to
the profession and should lose their right to practice. Remember their motivation
is primarily to make money from your plight; platitudes and assurances are really
only to disguise the financial nature of their interests.

I am on record in several places as saying
that if I were a really cynical doctor and
wanted only money, I would choose to be an
oncologist. I would get to face people at the
moment of maximum terror when they have just been told the news they most
dread, I could work on their fears, stoke up the panic some more, and then
demand anything up to half a million dollars for helping them to survive, knowing
the law backed my claim exclusively and criminalized anyone who tried to move
in on my patch and offered a real cure for just a few cents on the dollar!

At the same time, I am not saying that you must necessarily abandon the
conventional approach. The final choice must be yours and not some oncologist
panting for the cash for a down payment on his or her second or third home.
Unfortunately, in some territories (such as here in California), it is illegal for a
doctor to offer any other therapy than conventional chemo or radiation. That’s
“freedom” for you.

Notwithstanding the political failings of these crazy bureaucracies, there is
thankfully no law that says you must abide by what the oncologist recommends.
For the time being, at least, even Californians have the right to opt out of the
mainstream approach (some of us are concerned that even this small freedom
will be taken away).

More Quotes:

It has been an extraordinary experience and, in many ways, extremely
Marianne Faithful, on her successful recovery from breast cancer

My cancer scare changed my life. I’m grateful for every new, healthy day I
have. It has helped me prioritize my life.
Olivia Newton John

There is thankfully no law that
says you must abide by what the
oncologist recommends.

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