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#9. First pillar - Diet
The argument about diet was settled long ago. There isn’t an argument. Only
the die-hard fools don’t get it.
Diet is everything. In fact some people beat cancer on this one trick of cards!
The World Cancer Research Fund, the UK’s leading independent cancer research
foundation, states very plainly that 40% of cancers are diet-based. I know it is
far higher. The truth will emerge gradually. I have been proved right over all my
major predictions in the last 38 years.
It is important to remember that cancer is a degenerative disease of modern
It was rare among hunter-gatherer and pastoral peoples living in remote parts
of the world, such as the Himalayas, the Arctic and equatorial Africa, when these
were first visited by explorers and missionaries. One of the first medical teams
to study the Hunza, remote recesses of the Himalayan Mountains, between
West Pakistan, India and China, was headed by world-renown British surgeon Dr
Robert McCarrison (the McCarrison Society is named after him).
Hunza valley