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All this should make it clear that the number one factor in controlling and beating
cancer is to follow a safe diet. Here’s where I differ from some of the experts.
There is no universal safe diet. Even the famed vegetarian diet or avoiding red
meat is no guarantee. Everyone is different. My approach is to work with each
individual and have them figure out their own safe eating plan.

If I should develop cancer, I will do exactly what I tell you to do in my own
book DIET WISE, which is to work out which foods are stressing your immune
system and remove them from your diet. Eat fresh food, salads and smoothies
(not much raw), organic if you can and include lots of brightly colored foods.
Get rid of any food which reacts to a proper food challenge test—for you they
are poison. What is surprising it that whole foods, including fruit, beans and
vegetables, can be stressor foods. Each one has to be verified as safe.

In over 20 years I never lost a patient to cancer at my office. It was not till years
after I quit England they started going down one by one.

It’s quite hard work to approach it this way but not as nearly hard as the Gerson
diet and certainly not as tough as losing to cancer.

William D. Kelley, a man ahead of his time
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