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by the drug. Patients could also be taking DCA that is not of pharmaceutical
grade and might contain harmful impurities.
Michelakis says the patients could end up undermining efforts to do a controlled
clinical trial. The battle between dying patients who want immediate access to
unapproved drugs and doctors who urge trials and caution is a perennial one.
Some patients argue that they cannot wait for trials and should have the right to
take unapproved drugs, regardless of the risks.
But there are arguments against this. An estimated 95% of cancer drugs that
enter clinical trials do not get approval, many because they are ineffective or
unsafe, so patients risk shortening their life or making their last days more
Also, if patients can access DCA — or other unapproved drugs — there is no
incentive for them to enter a clinical trial. There is no question that more people
will be helped if access to unapproved drugs is restricted and proper trials
I urge you to consider these weighty matters in respect of your search for
possible cures or aids to recovery from cancer.
But let me state my position quite clearly: I deplore the “magic bullet” mentality
that these DCA seekers are showing. They are making a big mistake and I don’t
want you to make the same mistake. Their folly is to think in terms of something
that will save them or rescue them, without having to make any effort on their
part. Nature just will not support this.
I’m afraid the only way to health and to beat cancer or any other sickness, is to
take care of your issues properly. You need to eat the right foods – I wonder how
many of these patients demanding the right to have access to DCA have even
bothered to change their diet? You need to clean up your emotional act and get
complete with people and issues you messed up with in life. And you need to do
a proper chemical clean up.
These are my three key pillars of survival with cancer. Any one of the three
outperforms DCA. All three together and you won’t need a magic chemical bullet.
You’ll be healthy and happy the rest of your life.
Even if you started out with cancer!