
(pavlina) #1

Your body’s unique genetic code will make it have different reactions
to different foods — even ones that are supposed to be “good” for
you. And like I said, it goes beyond weight loss — or even allergies. It
really is a matter of life and death.

But there’s hope. I wrote a book detailing exactly how to find the
foods your body loves...

...And how to avoid the ones that are causing deadly diseases like
cancer to take over your life. Click here for all the information you
need about this book — including how to get your hands on it.



Cancer is not necessarily a killer disease.

Some people survive it, with or without chemo and radiation. Others
seem to just conquer cancer (so-called spontaneous remission).

Some people die of something else and their cancer is only
discovered by chance post mortem.

Some people just fight back with a fury and they win!

Cancer is feared too much.

This fear is played upon by oncologists, who want your money. Some
of them try to hoax you that if you don't start their treatment within a
week, you're a goner anyway.

The truth is cancer is not erased by killing off tumors--that's given rise
to the myth that it will come back.

It will come back because the root cause disease has not been

Cancer is gotten rid of by eliminating the causes. Treating the end-
result (the tumor) is a fool's game.

That includes, by the way, treatments that are just substitutes for
chemo, like laetrile, DCA and Protocol (Uuuggh!). Those treatments
are toxins (laetrile is basically cyanide) and what I call "chemo-
mentality". None of these substances have a place in the healthy

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