
(pavlina) #1

Milk thistle, we now know, works by
increasing glutathione in the liver.
Glutathione is our number one
miracle de-tox molecule.
It can beat
almost all the pirates I have been talking
about. But it’s a bitter war because for
every pirate molecule that runs off the
ship, we lose a glutathione soldier. It has
to be replaced constantly.

So when we are exposed to chemicals in
any concentration, we need LOTS of

Silymarin, from milk thistle is one source.
N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is another
source; so is alpha lipoic acid.

In fact, alpha-lipoic acid (or these days
R-lipoic acid) is probably your number one
"liver friend". The superior antioxidant
effects of R-lipoic acid are already well known for supporting healthy
mitochondrial function, helping to preserve youthful cellular energy

Foods that promote
glutathione production:

  • Fresh, raw milk and eggs

  • Alpha lipoic acid found in
    red meats and organ
    meats (grass-fed),
    spinach, tomatoes, peas,
    and brussel sprouts

  • Indian spice, curcumin

  • Sulfur rich foods such as
    garlic, onions and
    cruciferous vegetables

  • Milk thistle and cumin

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