Lesson One: The Mystery of Living

(bhcheah) #1

  1. You may like to know more about the
    Buddha and his Teachings.

    • Who is the Buddha?

    • What did he teach?

    • How can his teachings help me solve my

    • You may have other questions to be

    • What is the purpose of this life?

    • How can I see things as they really are?

    • How can I have more peace and happiness?

This correspondence course will help you
answers to these questions. It will show you
how to lead a meaningful life in perfect
harmony with universal laws. It will teach you
how to accumulate wealth which is not
perishable. It will help you build your life not on
shifting sands, but on the firm foundation of
solid rock the Dhamma to withstand even the
worst tempest of life.

Then, guided by the Dhamma's light, you will
know how to tread the Buddha's Path to perfect

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