Lesson One: The Mystery of Living

(bhcheah) #1

LessonOne: The Mystery of Living

It was a sunny April morning. Albert got down
from the bus at the multi-storyflat, got into the
lift and pressed the button for the top floor. His
pale, gaunt face was drained of emotions. So
many sleepless nightshe spent thinking over his
insoluble problems.

"No one wants to listen to my problems. All my
friends are so involved withthemselvesthey
have no time for me," Albert saidto himself. "I
wish I am Frank. He is so lucky. He is intelligent,
good-looking, talented and happy. He is always
happy. Doesn't he have any problems?"

"No, he doesn't," Albert brooded. "Only I have
problems. Why am I so useless? Even the
psychiatrist was confused. No one understands
me. My mother nags at me and calls me 'stupid'
and 'useless' because I am not successful like
my brothers. Won't someone say a kind word to
me? I am fed-up of being reminded that I am
useless. I am fed-up with this life."

A bell rang and the lift stopped at the top floor.
Like a zombie, Albert walked out of the lift to
the balcony and looked down. Half an hour later
he jumped down and fell many floors·

Below He landed not head down nor sideways
but in a sitting position. Only twenty-two years,
Albert was so frustrated that he decided to end

So mething in common?

Poor Albert. No one knew the agonies and the
sleepless nights he spent thinking over his
problems. How lonely he was. No one
under-stood him. He could not face up to his
weakness and addiction to some terrible habits.
Home was torture with a nagging mother and
scornful brothers and sisters. Not being able to
face his sorrows, Albert decide that twenty-two
years was enough.

Though we may never resort to such a drastic
solution, we have something in common with
Albert. None of us have any guarantee against
failure and disappointment. One day we receive
gain, fame, praises and happiness. That we
welcome heartily. The next day comes the
opposite - loss, defame, blame and pain - and
the suffering is hard to endure. But like a
pendulum which swings to the right and left, we
must without exception face the desirable as
well as the undesirable conditions.

1.Can we find true security in the world?

In the desperate search for happiness, a person
places his hopes and dreams· on his family,
friends, success in business, acquiring wealth
and property, pleasure and beauty. Yet, does he
get perfect happiness from any of them?

"I depend on my family and friends for
security," he says. While a loving family and
good friends can be a constant source of
happiness, he cannot depend on them forever.
Someone he loves may pass away or leave him.
If his love is centered on one person, the
separation will cause him great sorrow.
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