Time - International (2019-07-08)

(Antfer) #1
4 Time July 8, 2019


Why did you publish TWo
articles in the June 17 issue—
“How Brexit Broke Britain,”
by Jonathan Coe, and “An-
archy in the U.K.” by Tina
Brown—both obviously
written from a “Remoaner”
viewpoint; both so condem-
natory of people who sup-
ported Brexit. With the E.U.
working toward a United
States of Europe, I and many
others still want to leave the
E.U. The possible economic
loss seems an unfortunate,
but perhaps necessary, cost
of doing so. There is no rac-
ism involved in such a way of
thinking. Why vilify us? The
road to Brexit seems to have
become rocky due to unco-
operative Members of Parlia-
ment, but let’s hope we get
there in the end.
Hugh Trevor,
NorTh berWick,

The WeighT of The leave
constituency lies in the prov-
inces, and the political and
metropolitan elite do not ap-
pear to understand the sig-
nificance of this. Attempts
by the metropolitan elite to
reverse the referendum result
have caused entrenched and
deep divisions and are sub-
stantially the reason Parlia-
ment is stalled. The thought-
less approach that leads
Brown in her comedy sketch
to knock every easy target
and end by decrying the pop-

ulation as “brain-dead” is
precisely the sort of incendi-
ary terminology that diverts
serious debate and reinforces
the belief that the gilded
elite are out of touch with the
grassroots. The elite just do
not understand the genuine
resentment outside their in-
sulated bubble and are happy
to take advantage of the con-
fusion to advance their per-
sonal agendas by pouring oil
on troubled waters.
John Cook,
sTilliNgfleeT, eNglaNd

i WriTe To remiNd your
readers that the Brexit mad-
ness is largely confined to
England. Scotland voted to
remain in Europe. And once
the U.K. has completed its
miserable Brexit, the people
of Scotland will demand a
rerun of their 2014 indepen-
dence referendum, but this
time we will vote convinc-
ingly to leave the U.K., to
govern our own country, and
to forge new and strength-
ened relationships with our
European friends.
Les Mackay,
duNdee, scoTlaNd

The majoriTy of our peo-
ple see leaving the “federa-
tion” of the E.U. as a massive
opportunity for our future de-
velopment and evolution as a
nation unshackled from the
inward-looking E.U. project.
Indeed would the citizens of
the U.S. ever consider sacri-

ficing their independence to
a federation of nation-states
and willingly vote to do so?
Mike Sheppard,
herTfordshire, eNglaNd

re “The ThreaT of big
Other” [June 17]: If George
Orwell were to see society as
it is today, he would not be
surprised at the rise in sur-
veillance that now permeates
modern life. What would sur-
prise him is that we willingly
and enthusiastically purchase
the necessary equipment
with our own hard-earned
funds to enable this surveil-
lance to take place believing
that it enhances our life.
Bob Richardson,
souTh Woodham ferrers,

re “oNce more, WiTh
Feelings” [June 17]: I do not
care that Bernie Sanders

doesn’t hug babies, I do not
care that he doesn’t pose for
pictures, I do not care that
he doesn’t have a PR smile.
However, I do care that you
neglected to write about how
he is sugarcoating his radical
socialist past and his sympa-
thies for the Sandinistas and
the old Soviet Union, among
Kathy Cambas,

i cried aT The eNd of This
article because the writer
captured the reason we are
so behind Bernie. He will
get the job done and hope-
fully save our country from
Trump. For the media to give
him a fair and honest first-
class article is what we have
been waiting for. I am 72, and
all of my friends are voting
for Bernie. Thank you from
the bottom of our old hearts.
Kathy Jones,
NeW buffalo, michigaN

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