Simply Knitting - UK (2021-04)

(Antfer) #1

(^) IN
From page 14
36-38 (40-42) 44-46
Finished measurements:
Bust circumference: 113 (125)
137 cm
Length: 86 (88) 90 cm
Inner sleeve length: 50,5 (50,5)
50,5 cm
Lana Grossa, Silkhair.
70% mohair, 30% silk.
25 g = 210 m.
16 (18) 19 balls – col 12 Dark Grey
Size 4 and 5 mm
Crochet hook:
Size 4 mm
Te ns ion:
13 sts and 26,5 rows = 10 x 10 cm
in body patt with size 5 mm needles
and 3 strands of yarn held tog.
Te ns ion swatc h
Before you begin make a tension
swatch. Use the recommended
needles, yarns and pattern stitch for
your tension swatch. It should
measure approx. 12 cm x 12 cm.
Cast-on and bind-off rows, as well
as selvage stitches should not be
included in the measurement.
Pin your swatch and block it as you
would the finished pieces of the
garment. Count stitches and rows
over 10 cm. If your tension swatch is
too small, switch to larger needles.
If your tension swatch is too big,
switch to smaller needles.
Note: Work with 3 strands of yarn
held tog throughout.
When only one figure is given, it
applies to all sizes.
Rib patt: K1, p1.
St st: K on RS, p on WS.
Rev st st: P on RS, k on WS.
Chart patt: Multiple of 2 + 2
selvage sts. Numbers at left edge of
chart indicate WS rows, numbers at
right edge of chart indicate RS
rows. Beg with selvage st before
patt rep, work 2 sts between arrows
for patt rep, end with selvage st
after patt rep. Patt begins with a WS
row. Rep rows 1 – 4.
Note: 1 st and 1 yo are treated as 1
Body patt: Work 16 rows in chart
patt, 6 rows in st st; rep from
times on back an front pieces and 9
times on sleeves. Finish pieces in
chart patt only.
Full-fashion dec: At beg of RS
rows, selvage st, 1 st in st st, 1 st in
rev st st, skp; at end of RS rows,
work to last 5 sts, k2tog, 1 st in rev
st st, 1 st in st st, selvage st.
With size 4 mm needles and 3
strands of yarn held tog cast on 71
(79) 87 sts. Next WS row: Selvage
st, p1, k1, p1; rep from , end
selvage st. Next RS row: Work sts
as they appear. Cont in rib patt as
established until piece meas 3 cm
from cast-on, inc 1 st on last RS
row = 72 (80) 88 sts. Change to size
5 mm needles. Beg with a WS row
work in body patt until piece meas
59 cm from cast-on, ending with a
WS row.
Shape armholes: Bind off 3 sts at
beg of next 2 rows, 2 sts at beg of
next 2 rows, 1 st at beg of next 2
rows, [work 2 rows even, bind off 1
st at beg of next 2 rows] twice = 56
(64) 72 sts. Work even until piece
meas 82.5 (84.5) 86.5 cm from
cast-on, ending with a WS row.
Shape shoulders and neck: Bind
off 3 (3) 4 sts at each shoulder edge
once, then 3 sts 4 times (then 4 sts
4 times) then 4 sts once, 5 sts 3
times. At same time, when piece
meas 1.5 cm from beg of shoulder
shaping, shape neck:
Next RS row: Bind off center 22
sts. Working each side separately,
bind off 2 sts at each neck edge
once. No sts rem.
Pocket lining
Make 2 alike. With size 5 mm
needles and 3 strands of yarn held
tog cast on 21 sts. Work in st st for
16 cm, ending with a RS row. Cut
yarn. Place sts on holder.
Left front
With size 4 mm needles and 3
strands of yarn held tog cast on 44
(48) 52 sts. Next WS row: Selvage
st, p1, k1; rep from , end selvage
st. Next RS row: Work sts as they
appear. Cont in rib patt as estab-
lished until piece meas 3 cm from
cast-on, ending with a WS row.
Change to size 5 mm needles.
Next RS row: Selvage st, work
body patt over next 40 (44) 48 sts,
work 1 st in rev St st, 1 st in st st,
selvage st. Cont in patt as estab-
lished until piece meas 31 cm from
cast-on, ending with a WS row.
Next RS row: Selvage st, work in
patt over next 6 sts, work rib patt as
established over next 21 sts for
pocket trim, work in patt to last st,
selvage st.
Cont in patt as established until
pocket trim meas 3 cm, ending with
a WS row.
Next RS row: Work in patt to
pocket trim, bind off next 21 sts for
pocket opening, work in patt to end.
Next WS row: Work in patt to
bound-off sts, then with WS of
pocket lining facing, work 21 pocket
lining sts from holder into patt, work
in patt to end. Cont in patt across all
sts until piece meas 46 (48) 50 cm
from cast-on, ending with a WS row.
Shape neck: Working full-fashion
dec, dec 1 st at end of next RS row,
then every 12th row 3 times, then
every 14th row 4 times. At same
time, when piece meas 59 cm from
cast-on, shape armhole
at right edge as foll: At beg of RS
rows bind off 3 sts once, 2 sts once,
1 st once, then bind off 1 st at beg
of every other RS row twice = 28
(32) 36 sts. Cont until piece meas
82,5 (84,5) 86,5 cm from cast-on,
ending with a WS row.
Shape shoulder: At beg of RS
rows, bind off 3 (3) 4 sts once, then
3 sts 4 times (then 4 sts 4 times)
then 4 sts once, 5 sts 3 times = 13
sts rem for collar. Cast on 1 st at
right edge of collar = 14 sts and
cont in patt for 10 cm more.
Place sts on holder.
Right front
Work same as for left front,
reversing all shaping and patt
With size 4 mm needles and 3
strands of yarn held tog cast on 40
Next WS row: Selvage st, p1, k1;
rep from
, end selvage st. Next RS
row: Work sts as they appear. Cont
in rib patt as established until piece
meas 3 cm from cast-on, ending
with a RS row.
Change to size 5 mm needles. Work
in body patt and shape sleeve as
foll: Inc 1 st at each end of 19 (15)
13th row, then every 18th row 5
times (then every 14th row 7 times)
then every 12th row twice, then
every 10th row 8 times = 52 (56) 62
sts. Work even until piece meas
50,5 cm from cast-on, ending with a
WS row.
Shape sleeve cap: Bind off 3 sts at
beg of next 2 rows, 2 sts at beg of
next 2 rows, 1 st at beg of next 2
rows, [work 2 rows even, bind off 1
st at beg of next 2 rows] 8 times,
then bind off 2 sts at beg of next 2
rows, 3 sts at beg of next 2 rows.
Bind off rem 14 (18) 24 sts.
Pin pieces to measurements and
block. Sew down pocket linings on
WS. Sew shoulder seams. Join right
and left collar and sew to back
With size 4 mm crochet hook and 3
strands of yarn held tog work 1 row
sc along front and collar edge. Sew
in sleeves. Sew side and sleeve
Design: Lana Grossa
07 Chart = selvage st
= k1
= p1
= make a yo, then sl next st as if to purl
= make a yo, then sl next st and yo as if to purl
= ptog next st and yos
5,5 8,5
07 Schematics
back, half
left front
02/21 23

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