Simply Knitting - UK (2021-04)

(Antfer) #1

(^) IN
08 Chart 2
2-st rep
08 Chart 3
2-st rep
= k1
= p1
= Insert right needle through center of st in row below and
knit a new st; drop original st from left needle
= Make a yo, then sl next st as if to purl
o = ptog next st and yo
O = yo
= Represents “no stitch” (included to keep st count correct)
= (p1, k1tb1) into yo
= (k1, p1tb1) into yo
= k3tog
= SK2P: Slip 1 st as if to knit, k2tog, pass slipped st over
knitted st
1 -
2 -
08 Schematics
back and front, half
sleeve, half
From page 18
128-134 (140 -146)
Finished measurements:
Width from wrist to wrist: 148
(168) cm
Length: 52 (56) cm
Lana Grossa, Brigitte No. 2.
Content: 47% baby alpaca,
45% cotton, 8% merino wool.
50 g = 140 m.
5 (6) balls – col 24 Charcoal
1 (2) balls – col 17 Green/Yellow
1 ball – col 16 Natural
Other supplies:
6 buttons, 22 mm
Size 7 mm
Circular needle size 6 mm (40 cm)
Circular needle size 7 mm (120 cm)
Te ns ion:
14 sts and 21 rows = 10 x 10 cm in
st st on size 7 mm needles.
Te ns ion swatc h
Before you begin make a tension
swatch. Use the recommended
needles, yarns and pattern stitch for
your tension swatch. It should
measure approx. 12 cm x 12 cm.
Cast-on and bind-off rows, as well
as selvage stitches should not be
included in the measurement.
Pin your swatch and block it as you
would the finished pieces of the
garment. Count stitches and rows
over 10 cm. If your tension swatch is
too small, switch to larger needles.
If your tension swatch is too big,
switch to smaller needles.
When only one figure is given, it
applies to both sizes.
Rib patt: P2, k2.
St st: K on RS, p on WS.
Double moss stich:
Multiple of 4 + 2 + 2 selvage sts.
Row 1: Selvage st, k2, p2; rep
to last 3 sts, k2, selvage st.
Row 2: Selvage st, work sts as they
appear, end selvage st.
Row 3: Selvage st, p2, k2; rep
to last 3 sts, p2, selvage st.
Row 4: As row 2. Rep rows 1 – 4.
Colorwork patt: Multiple of 18 + 1

  • 2 selvage sts. Work according to
    chart. Numbers at right edge of
    chart indicate RS rows, numbers at
    left edge of chart indicate WS rows.
    Work rows 1 – 22 once. Very loosely
    carry strand not in use across WS of
    Worked in one piece across
    With size 7 mm needles and
    Charcoal cast on 92 (108) sts for
    Next row (WS): Selvage st, p2,
    k2; rep from
    to last 3 sts, p2,
    selvage st. Cont in rib patt as
    established until piece meas 4 cm
    from cast-on, ending with a WS row.
    Work in st st until piece meas 18
    (20) cm from cast-on, ending with a
    WS row. Drop Charcoal, join
    Natural. Work in st st for 6 rows,
    increasing 1 st at center of (3 sts
    evenly across) last WS row = 93
    (111) s t s.
    Next row (RS): Selvage st; work
    row 1 of colorwork chart to last st [=
    work patt rep between arrows 5 (6)
    times, work to end of chart = 1 st];
    selvage st. Cont to foll chart to end,
    ending with chart row 22. Drop
    Charcoal, cont with Natural and in
    st st for 6 rows, decreasing 1 st at
    center of (3 sts evenly across) first
    RS row = 92 (108) sts. Cut Natural.
    Cont with Charcoal and in st st for
    12 rows. Work in dbl moss st until
    piece meas 47 (51) cm from cast-on,
    ending with a WS row.
    Shape neck: Next row (RS): Patt
    over 41 (48) sts and turn, leaving
    rem 51 (60) sts on hold.
    Left front: At beg of WS rows, bind
    off 2 sts 1 time, 1 st 3 times = 36
    (43) sts. Work even until piece meas
    52 (56) cm from cast-on, ending
    with a WS row. Place sts on holder,
    do not cut yarn.
    Right front: Return 51 (60) held sts
    to needle and with RS facing, rejoin
    yarn. Patt over 10 (12) sts and put
    on holder, patt to end. Complete as
    given for left front. Place sts on
    holder, cut yarn.
    Next row (RS): Patt over 36 (43) left
    front sts, cast on 20 (22) sts for
    back neck, patt over 36 (43) right
    front sts = 92 (108) sts. Work back
    of poncho down to lower edge,
    reversing patt placement. Bind off
    all sts in rib.
    Pin pieces to measurements and
    Turtleneck: With size 6 mm circular
    needle and Charcoal, pick up and k
    68 (72) sts evenly around neck edge
    including sts on front neck holder.
    Place beg of rnd marker and join for
    working in rnds. Work rib patt in
    rnds for 16 cm. Bind off all sts in rib.
    Left rib border: With size 7 mm
    circular needle, Charcoal and RS
    facing, pick up and k 144 (156) sts
    along left front and back side edge.
    Next row (WS): Selvage st, p2,
    k2; rep from
    to last 3 sts, p2,
    selvage st. Cont in rib patt as
    established until border meas 2 cm
    from pick-up row, ending with a WS
    Next RS (buttonhole) row: Work
    three buttonholes evenly spaced
    along left front side edge, with
    bottom buttonhole 14 (16) cm up
    from lower edge of front and rem
    two buttonholes spaced 8 cm
    apart. For each buttonhole, end rib
    patt with k2, then [p2tog, yo] for
    buttonhole. Cont in rib patt until
    border meas 4 cm from pick-up
    row. Bind off all sts in rib.
    Right rib border: With size 7 mm
    circular needle, Charcoal and RS
    facing, pick up and k 144 (156) sts
    along right back and front side
    edge. Work same as left rib border.
    Sew on buttons to match button-
    Design: Lana Grossa
    02/21 25

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