Simply Knitting - UK (2021-04)

(Antfer) #1




acc = according /
alt = alternate
bef = before
beg = begin / beginning
BO = bind off
cm = centimeter
cn = cable needle
CO = cast on
cont = continue / continuing
dec = decrease / decreasing
dpns / DPN = double pointed
foll = follows / following
g = grams
inc = increase / increasing
k = knit
kw = knit wise
LN = left hand needle
m = marker
m = meter / meters
mm = millimeter /
MC = main color
p = purl

pat(t) = pattern
pm = place marker
psso = pass slip stitch /
stitches over
pw = purl wise
rem = remain / remaining
rep = repeat
resp = respectively
rm = remove marker
RN = right hand needle
rnd(s) = round / rounds
rndm = round marker
RS = right side
sh-row = short row
sl = slip
sl st = slip stitch
sm = slip marker
s(rnd)m = slip (round) marker
sp(s) = space / spaces
ssm = set stitch marker.
st(s) = stitch / stitches
St st = Stockinette stitch /
stocking stitch
tbl = through back loop
tog = together

work even = continue working in
the established
pattern over the same
number of stitches
without increasing or
WS = wrong side
wyib = with yarn at back
of work
wyif = with yarn in front
ybk = yarn to back
yfrt = yarn to front
yo = yarn over
yrh = yarn round hook
* = repeat from *


ch = chain
ch sp = chain space
ch st = chain stitch
dc = double crochet
htr = half treble crochet
sc = slip stitch
tr = treble crochet

C5F = slip next 3 sts onto cn and
hold at front of work, k2, then
k3 from cn
k1^/p1^ = knit / purl short row stitch:
knit / purl through both legs
of the short row
k2tog = knit 2 stitches together (1 st
decreased) – right leaning
m1 = make 1 stitch by picking up
loop between stitches and
knitting into the back of it
M1L = kw / pw make one left =
increase slanted to the left
knitwise / purlwise: lift loop
between stitches from front,
knit / purl into back loop.

M1R = kw / pw make one right =
increase slanted to the right
knitwise / purlwise: lift loop
between stitches from back,
knit / purl into front loop.
rib = work in ribbing pattern
skp = Slip one stitch knit wise, knit
one stitch, pass slip stitch
over knit stitch (1 st decre-
ased) - left leaning decrease
Sl1^ = Slip 1 st for German Short
Row = With yarn in front, sl1
pw, pull on yarn over and
behind needle until both legs
of st show
slk = slip 1 stitch knit wise with
yarn in back

slp = slip 1 stitch purl wise with
yarn in front
ssk = slip 1 knit wise, twice, insert
tip of left hand needle from
left to right st (Sl1^) from prev
row as if it were a normal,
single stitch through front of
both sts and k2tog
s1 = slip 1 stitch knitways

Colourwork pattern:
Work stockinette st following the chart and
the written instructions.
Garter stitch: Knit all rows.
Moss stitch: Row 1: *k1, p1*, repeat *–* to
end. Row 2: knit the knit sts and purl the purl
sts. Row 3: *p1, k1*, repeat *–* to end. Row 4:
knit the knit sts and purl the purl sts. Repeat
rows 1–4.

Ribbing / k1, p1 ribbing: *k1, p1*, repeat *–*.
On the wrong side rows, knit the knit sts and
purl the purl sts.
K1, p2 ribbing: *k1, p2*, repeat *–*.
K2, p2 ribbing: *k2, p2*, repeat *–*.
Ribbing in the round: *k1, p1*, repeat *–*.
Stockinette stitch: Right side rows: knit all
stitches. Wrong side rows: purl all stitches.

30 02/21

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