artistFebruary 2021 3
from the editor
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Sally Bulgin PhD Hon VPRBSA
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is published every four weeks by
Warners Group Publications plc and is printed
by Warners Midlands PLC, The Maltings, Manor
Lane, Bourne, Lincolnshire PE10 9PH.
incorporating ART & ARTISTS
First established 1931
ISSN 0004-
Vol.136 No.
ISSUE 1091
Warners Group Publications,
The Maltings, West Street, Bourne,
Lincolnshire, PE10 9PH. Tel: 01778 395174
Sally Bulgin Publishing Editor
Let us know what you think at
- [email protected]
alfway through the middle of our second lockdown one of our artist contributors,
John Owen, pinged me from Austria to recommend a short and truly joyous
YouTube video as an ideal antidote to the current diffi cult circumstances in
which we all fi nd ourselves. The video features David Hockney talking about the
common ground he shares with Van Gogh as an introduction to the exhibition in 2019 at
the Van Gogh Museum in the Netherlands exploring the connections between these two
iconic artists:
Although aware of the exhibition I hadn’t previously seen this video. I can highly
recommend it as 10 minutes well spent. I found it uplifting to hear Hockney talk about the
endless inspiration and joy he fi nds in nature and quoting some of his favourite relatable
statements from Van Gogh’s letters, such as, ‘The uglier, older, iller, poorer I get, the more
I wish to take my revenge by doing brilliant colour, well arranged, resplendent.’ (Van
Gogh, Arles, 14 September 1888). I love Hockney’s description of Van Gogh’s technique,
emphasising his delight in being able to observe all his brushwork, the gaiety of spring,
with plants coming up, everything looking fresh ‘as though champagne has been poured
over all the bushes’. You can’t help but be inspired by the unpretentious, passionate
observations of Britain’s most infl uential living painter and his joy in looking at the world. As
he says, ‘you can’t be bored of nature,’ in which he continues to fi nd endless subjects for his
vibrant works in paint and other media.
Which brings us to one of the predominant themes of this issue with our focus on
celebrating the natural world around us in our art. There’s a seasonal theme too, from cover
artist Robert Brindley’s introduction to gouache as he reveals his interpretation of a winter
landscape (pages 20-23), Paul Talbot-Greaves’ demonstration showing how to capture a
winter sunset in watercolour (pages 31-33), Marie Antoniou’s encouragement to paint a
semi-abstract snow scene in acrylics (pages 34-37), to Barry Herniman’s focus on how to
paint successful skies in gouache and pastel (pages 38-41) – all of whom share the joy in
representing nature in their work.
Be inspired, also, by the expressive collage techniques of Kate Newington (pages 16-19),
hone your portrait skills with Rob Wareing (pages 24-27) and Ann Witheridge (pages 53-55),
plus learn new ideas from Kate Priestman (pages 28-30) and Marine Costello (pages 60-61)
on how to develop your career as an artist in our digital world.
Finally, as we look forward hopefully to a better 2021, why not make this the year
you submit your best work to our TALP Open Competition, with some fantastic prizes
worth over £13,500 to be won, including The Artist Purchase Prize, the opportunity to
exhibit and see your work published in the magazine and win a year’s representation by, the online gallery featuring the best of British artists – see pages
14-15 for full details. We look forward to seeing your entries!
Best wishes
Robert Brindley Sunset, North Yorkshire Moors,
gouache on Arches Not 140lb (300gsm),
6 7½ in (1519cm). See pages 20 to 23