Macworld - USA (2021-03)

(Antfer) #1
20 Macworld • March 2021



ust as I wrapped up a
series I worked on most of
last year about the most
notable Macs of all time
(see, I received a
comment on Twitter about a specific
peculiarity about my list that I’d
never considered.
“It’s super interesting to me that
only one Intel machine made it,”
wrote Jay Parlar.

Now it’s the Mac’s turn to flourish again. Jason Snell reports

It’s time for the Mac

to undergo a product-

design renaissance

I looked and – yep. Despite the
Intel Mac era lasting 15 years, the
only Mac on my list that originated in
that era was the second-generation
MacBook Air. I considered several
others, but they didn’t make the cut.
I was surprised by Jay’s comment,
but the more I thought about it, the
more it made sense to me. During
the 2010s, Apple took a remarkably
conservative approach to the Mac

20 Macworld • March 2021



ust as I wrapped up a
series I worked on most of
last year about the most
notable Macs of all time
(see, I received a
comment on Twitter about a specific
peculiarity about my list that I’d
never considered.
“It’s super interesting to me that
only one Intel machine made it,”
wrote Jay Parlar.

Now it’s the Mac’s turn to flourish again. Jason Snell reports

It’s time for the Mac

to undergo a product-

design renaissance

I looked and – yep. Despite the
Intel Mac era lasting 15 years, the
only Mac on my list that originated in
that era was the second-generation
MacBook Air. I considered several
others, but they didn’t make the cut.
I was surprised by Jay’s comment,
but the more I thought about it, the
more it made sense to me. During
the 2010s, Apple took a remarkably
conservative approach to the Mac
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