iPad & iPhone User - USA (2021-04)

(Antfer) #1


o matter what Apple product
you buy, you can be assured of
three things: it’ll ‘just work’
out of the box, it’ll do exactly what
you want it to do and it’ll last as long as
you need it to. That’s the not-so-secret
secret to Apple’s success. It might sell
more devices than ever, but it’s never
going to be like Google or Amazon and
blanket the landscape with products,

Trust in the user experience. Michael Simon reports

Why Apple’s philosophy

of ‘no’ has us saying ‘yes’

to £549 AirPods Max

so the ones it makes are built to make
an instant impact. Instead of cramming
as many features as possible into
the latest iPhone, for example, Apple
chose the ones that will matter most,
even if it means lagging behind its
competitors with things such as super
zoom and 120Hz displays.
It’s all part of Apple’s philosophy: a
thousand nos for every yes. It’s why we
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