Apple Magazine - USA - Issue 488 (2021-03-05)

(Antfer) #1

Life Support

Madison Beer

It’s been a long road to the Los Angeles-
based singer Madison Beer’s debut studio
album – and a somewhat treacherous one,
too, given her recent mental health problems.
“That’s why I called this album Life Support,”
she recently explained, “because it kept
me alive.”


  1. “I had just been diagnosed with borderline
    personality disorder, and I was in and out of
    a lot of dark mental states,” Beer told NME
    last year about the time she was making
    this album.

  2. On one of the tracks, “Homesick”, Beer
    samples adult animation Rick and Morty,
    which she has described as her “favorite
    cartoon objectively.”

  3. Four singles have been released from the
    album, starting with “Good in Goodbye”
    on January 31, 2020 and “Selfish” on
    February 14, 2020.

  4. Beer has called the third single – “Baby”,
    released on August 21, 2020 – “a very
    empowering song.”

  5. She has admitted that the music video for
    “Baby” was reshot on her insistence: “We shot
    one in May [2019] and it was just... not it.”

Genre: Pop
Released: Feb 26, 2021
17 Songs
Price: $9.99

397 Ratings

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