Technology - USA (2021-03)

(Antfer) #1
116 March 2021


“ NetApp’s toolsets and
capabilities help our clients
get visibility into their
performance and where their
data is being secured and

Kirk Compton
Vice President Cloud & Enterprise
Application Managed Services, Sales,
Americas, NTT Ltd.

solutions, reducing impact and cost for
customers to be able to get to the cloud more
efficiently with limited business disruption

  • a key component to these upgrades.
    “Downtime is something most companies
    don’t have the opportunity to factor in,”
    adds Compton.
    NTT uses its S Discover tool that goes
    out across the network analysing every
    application and data point coming into a
    company’s SAP environment. “With our
    assessment we’re able to remove the barriers
    to cloud adoption and, with the support of our

strategic partners, help our customers reach
their targets as quickly as possible so they
can modernize SAP architecture to optimize
processes and increase productivity.”
Following on from the assessment process,
NTT runs workshops fuelled by a design
thinking methodology to make sure business
and IT are aligned on a strategy with the right
priorities to move forward.

Business Intelligence
Moving your enterprise environment to
S/4HANA provides the ability to get access
to your data faster with the accumulation
of good data strategies one of the great
benefits. Moving to that environment in the
cloud allows businesses to take advantage
of other Microsoft components and analytics
“There’s a significant amount of
collaboration going on between the
companies with the Microsoft Azure IOT hub
and the SAP Leonardo solutions suite helping
customers navigate the IOT space,” notes
Compton. “It's amazing to see how artificial
intelligence and machine learning are really
starting to become operational in nature for
our customers. Alongside this, at NTT, we’re
also developing our smart solutions evident
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