Technology - USA (2021-03)

(Antfer) #1

118 March 2021


Reacting to a Covid-19 world

“The big trend we’ve seen during the global
pandemic is consolidation,” explains Compton.
“With the work from home/work from anywhere
methodology many organizations are looking
to reduce their real estate spend on everything
from office space to data centers. Moving a
data center from a physical location that you're
paying for to a cloud environment, that could
be consumption-based, can help companies
transition through the current challenges. As
you migrate workloads, being able to spin up
and spin down environments, to be able to do
projects on demand without having to acquire
infrastructure, without having to acquire a
network, are part of that transformational

experience for customers. How do I
transform faster?”
“Allied to the push towards consolidation,
the other big trend we’re seeing at NTT
is organisations facing up to their staffing
challenges and the need to up-skill,” reveals
Compton. “SAP has produced a few reports
over the last two years around the lack of skills
in S/4HANA trained individuals due to cost
constraints and budgeting. But that's really
where our sweet spot is at NTT. We have the
right skills, capabilities, and partnerships to be
able to provide strategic solutions using a shared
service model that’s becoming more and more
attractive in the current climate.”
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