Technology - USA (2021-03)

(Antfer) #1

122 March 2021


“ We have the vertical expertise
across the globe to manage
SAP environments for our
customers and help them
implement systems, automate
their environments, deliver on
business outcome strategies,
examine the different vertical
solutions they want to run and
operate new revenue channels.”

Kirk Compton
Vice President Cloud & Enterprise
Application Managed Services, Sales,
Americas, NTT Ltd.

solutions they want to run and operate new
revenue channels. But in the end, the real
differentiator is that we have the best SAP
people working for our customers.”

Time to transform
The speed of business transformation, as
witnessed in 2020, is changing. Legacy SAP
solutions aren’t capable of meeting today’s

data centers allows the company to stack
up from an applications perspective with
industry leading certifications, compliance
and security. “We're Azure experts,” says
Compton. “We've got the highest level of
certifications from an SAP perspective.
Every year, SAP audits our operations
and our data centers to make sure we stay
at the highest level of compliancy for SAP
environments. We’re really proud of the fact
that for the past couple years, we've been the
highest rated partner in the SAP ecosystem
for these certifications with the highest level
of security.”
Compton maintains that the process of
optimizing an environment makes it even
more important to ensure data is secure,
optimal, being backed up and stored properly
to perform at the highest level. “We have the
vertical expertise across the globe to manage
SAP environments for our customers and
help them implement systems, automate their
environments, deliver on business outcome
strategies, examine the different vertical

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