Technology - USA (2021-03)

(Antfer) #1


4G wasn’t transformative. It just made 3G look a bit fuddy-
duddy. But its increased speeds (up to 100Mbps) led to an
unexpected transformation in personal computing. The
phone was the computer. Not as well, but instead. Video
streaming and conferencing were about to enter our lives.
3G was forgotten like an old BlackBerry.


Unlike 4G, 5G is going to give
us more than a speed boost.
With data transferring at up to
10Gbps, it will transform AI,
the Internet of Things (IoT) and
edge computing. It’s the missing
link for self-driving cars and
robotic everything. It’s a genuine
alternative to wired internet
connections for much of the
world, empowering swathes
of humanity with access to the
internet’s boundless reserves of
knowledge and cat pictures.
A game changer.


Did you know TeliaSonera was
the first operator in the world to
commercially launch 4G in 2009,
deploying first in Oslo, Norway,
and Stockholm, Sweden. 17
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