184 March 2021
steer the overarching position of technology
as a tool to enhance the experience of
everyone on campus. He is also an emphatic
proponent of inclusivity and ensuring that
students have equal access to resources
wherever they choose, or are forced in
today’s circumstances, to study. It’s a
philosophy that is wholeheartedly supported
by an exemplary leadership team, he says.
“The University President has established
a great leadership team around him and
has built camaraderie and collaboration
between the Provost, the Deans and my
fellow Vice Presidents into the institution,”
Bible says. "So, right off the bat, I’m fortunate
enough to work with a leadership team that
is high performing, and has the skills and
capabilities, and collaborative mindset, to
effectively meet the needs of the institution.”
When the COVID-19 pandemic broke out
in early 2020, UB was already well prepared
to respond as the result of this pragmatic
approach to continued development. “It's
obvious, but as a CIO for around 20 years,
I still have to remind myself that it's my
job to not just be serving today's needs,