Technology - USA (2021-03)

(Antfer) #1 191


“By using these technologies

there are opportunities for closer

relationships to be formed”


students are actively engaged in out of class
activities, whether clubs for student groups,
or a host of other things. And so we wanted
to provide technology tools that helped
them stay connected and still feel part of
the institution.”
Students and faculty have access to a
broad array of digital resources to expand
their learning and extra curricular support
beyond the confines of the lecture hall.
Many of these services can be accessed
through the UB portal, a secure and intuitive
platform that ties the online
learning experience together,
underpinned by a fast and
reliable infrastructure.
Partners have been integral
to that seamless hybrid
approach learning at UB, “and
I can’t thank our vendors
enough,” says Bible. “Many

of them have put profits a little bit aside
and focused on need. And you remember
who those people are and we appreciate it
very much.”
“Our underlying infrastructure is HP
Aruba, our wireless network of choice with
7,000 access points. I appreciate HP Aruba’s
immediate assistance, not just with making
sure that it runs, but also with regards to data:
where are the students, how many are there?
That was data that we had not typically used,
other than performance-based, and they

Brice Bible on University

at Buffalo's UBIT system

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