which is very heavily dependent on digital
and new technology in general."
"We're thinking about how library or other
public internet access can be made available,
so that people can access care in a different
way. We're thinking five to 10 years down the
line, not just for the next 18 months to two
years" she adds.
"There's a huge amount of work to be done,
but we carry out equality impact assessments
as part of our COVID Recovery and Resilience
Programme. We have multiple workstreams
looking at outpatients including virtual clinics,
elective care, urgent care and flow. It's thinking
about how we ensure access for everyone,
such as people with sensory impairments for
example or with multiple first languages, and
how we build all of that into the technology
and communications we use so that
everybody has equal access to care."
Dr Devlin sees this as a very exciting time
to work at MFT, with the opportunity to use
technology to provide very high quality patient
care. "Ultimately it's about making things better
for patients, for the people of Manchester,
but also for the staff because it has to be
something that makes their working life better.
That's where our skills in Transformation come
in, to try and help people adjust and motivate
them when change gets hard - it's hard for
everybody at some stage."
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