Technology - USA (2021-03)

(Antfer) #1 215


emerging because the CFO used to call the
CPO only to reduce cost. Whereas now he
has to be a part of the discussion of risk. Our
strong perspective is boards are going to
start asking this question regularly.
“The fundamental equations of being
a CPO or running a supply chain have not
changed. The math is still the same, but the
granularity, however, has changed. It used
to be that people would look at things at
a country level, then geographical, then
segment, then region. Now you’ve got to be
at a customer individual order level. That's
the level of granularity needed.”
Gandhi says another change has been a
move away from a one-size-fits-all approach
to technical solutions, “There was this view

that says a general solution for one is easily
applicable to the other one. Now, what we
are finding is that as we get into the world of
artificial intelligence and machine learning,
AI allows you to identify the parameters
that matter.
“For example, if we buy a standard shoe,
versus an athletic one, one may be sold on
price and the other one on features. That
quite significantly changes how supply
chain should look at it. And so now general
solutions lose their power because it's easy
to find a very specific solution.”

“The fundamental equations of being a

CPO or running a supply chain have not

changed. The math is still the same, but

the granularity, however, has changed”


leave that constant, don't mess with it and
move forward.”
“However, no amount of effort will protect
you against every shock. That's the first thing
we tell people; you can’t protect against
everything. So, what are the choices you
want to make? And that becomes a CPO,
CEO and CFO question.”

Cost. Service. Agility. Supply
chain’s new troika.
The emergence of supply chain’s new
troika.“So now we have a new Troika

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