Technology - USA (2021-03)

(Antfer) #1

222 March 2021


digital content inside the gym, but individually.
We've also converted an area of these gyms to
custom-build Fiit studios where we deliver the
content in a larger group exercise space, with
immersive LCD displays and a fantastic audio
experience,” he explains.
"We're coming at this from all different
angles - there's the typical in-gym experience,
there is bringing a digital experience
into the gym environment, delivering a
digital gym experience outside of the gym
environment, and then there are digital
product enhancements that wrap around
all these to bring to other areas of people's
exercise regime."
While the Fiit pods seem designed for social
distancing, they were actually created before
the pandemic. "The implementation went
live in the post-Covid environment, but the
thinking behind it pre-dated the pandemic,”
says McIntosh. “The experience of group
exercise is really powerful in a group of people,
but also has value outside of a group setting.

An individual may feel connected and engaged
with the content they see on the screen, but
may not necessarily want to do that in a group
environment, or there may not be a group
session running at the time they want to do it.
It's about providing the member with options
to have that experience in different settings
and at a time that suits them."
During the UK's first lockdown period all
gyms had to close to the public. McIntosh says
this was an extremely busy time for The Gym
Group, as they looked for new ways to keep

“ We made a price

pledge during that

national lockdown

that we wouldn't

charge anyone for

a day that the gyms

weren't open”

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