Technology - USA (2021-03)

(Antfer) #1

228 March 2021


Title of the video

Covid-19. "Our business model lends itself
particularly well to modern data methods,
because we generate a lot of data. We're a
contract-free subscription model so pricing,
tenure and churn are fundamental metrics.
"With an automated access control
system, we have something that most
people in retail would really value because
we know exactly who is in our gym. We
can build a detailed picture of member
engagement by combining this data with
usage data from our digital products. We can
understand when people visit, how often,
for how long and how their visit patterns are
"As part of our wider digital transformation
programme, we created a roadmap to
develop a first class data environment, in
terms of both the infrastructure we use to

capture and process data, and the team we
build to create value with it."
This has been hugely valuable to help deal
with the challenges of the pandemic. "All of
a sudden the business started asking more
questions about things we hadn’t previously
prioritised, like the maximum capacity of
gyms, how many members used to visit
but are no longer visiting, and how can we
design communications and products to
support members in this challenging
new environment."
Along with technology, this access to data
is helping the company move into new areas
and make the business more efficient. They
recently implemented Okta to streamline
their operations, as McIntosh explains that
their growth over the last five years led to an
increase in the number of systems that are
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