Technology - USA (2021-03)

(Antfer) #1 29


“I brought a mindset that focused

on how we structure, separate and

categorize the various spend aspects

of what we're doing, particularly in

terms of understanding suppliers

and how they fit in the company”


to renegotiate and/or add the right suppliers
categorically across the company to service
our business needs adequately, not just the
way people perceived our needs,” continues
Tice. “That shift, while difficult, put us in

a position where the relationships with
vendors have become very strong. To take
us to the next level of innovation, we needed
to bring in vendors that could change the
game for us: new technologies and new ways
of working.”
In addition to consolidation, GoDaddy’s
digital roadmap meant that the daily
admin of procurement needed to
modernize. Dispensing with rote manual
tasks that introduced margins for error as
information was traded from one system
to another through automation was key,
as was incorporating spend analytics and
e-procurement platforms. Of course, no
tech-based transformation story of the last
12 months could avoid the effect of COVID-
19, and it is in this regard that Tice adds
special praise to GoDaddy, “I really have
to emphasize how well the company did
moving everyone quickly from the office
to remote working.” However, the challenge
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