Technology - USA (2021-03)

(Antfer) #1

32 March 2021


was far from being merely a technical one:
procurement, he states, is strongly rooted in
person-to-person negotiation on both sides
of the table. Reflecting on the beginning of
the pandemic, Tice claims that he genuinely
feared the effects of losing this important
aspect, “I was becoming increasingly worried
that the effectiveness of my team was going
to start to decline because they just don't
have that ability to work with the vendor
Despite his concerns, GoDaddy’s saving
grace turned out to be the ready availability
of conferencing software like Zoom. Tice’s
team quickly adapted to the new paradigm
and didn’t miss a beat; turning in a 2020

performance that was equal to or better
than the previous year, Tice states that
he was pleasantly “shocked” by the results.
“It’s gotten to the point now where I've
recently hired two new permanently remote
employees. I didn't hire them with any
intention whatsoever to move them into one
of our hub offices. Whatever the new normal
looks like, I don't see my team going back to
how things were unless specific needs arise.”
The spirit of embracing change at
GoDaddy is easily visualized by its recent
rebrand that features a slick image of the
word ‘go’ shaped into a heart. “With our
logo change, we're thinking about over 20
million customers out there: what’s their
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