Technology - USA (2021-03)

(Antfer) #1


measures regardless of location,” says
Kiehn. “No matter where a worker is based,
the experience of connecting to corporate
systems will feel the same.”
Networking is truly at a point of
unprecedented change on multiple fronts.
Perhaps the best established by now is the
cloud revolution, and the
The market is responding to the pro-
liferation of things a network manager has to
consider with products that err more towards
being jacks of all trades. “The philosophy won’t
be about having lots of different technologies
to cover the whole of the network stack,”

ride. That might include the introduction
autonomy - networks that can detect
cyberattacks in real time and change the
firewall in response. “These networks
are similar and comparable to how self-
driving cars will work,” says Connors. “If
there is traffic, the car will automatically
reroute. If there is a person in the road,
the vehicle will break to avoid collision.”
But it will also simply involve treating
every user the same. “We are likely to see
businesses adopt a ‘zero trust’ approach to
security – where employees face similar
access, credentials, and authentication 57
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