According to Deloitte,
30% of network
transformations are
the investments made by IT teams
seems sure to mean some level
of remote working is here to stay.
“Ubiquitous hybrid working will
also change how networks are
delivered and consumed,” says
Kiehn. “Currently, businesses will
typically buy network bandwidth
for a location for a certain amount. In time,
however, this approach will change so that it
is focused on the users and the usage rather
than the location – so that businesses are not
committed to bandwidth for offices, when
a significant portion of users are working at
home. This will make for much more flexible
network consumption which will
appear seamless to the business.”
What all this adds up to is an
undoubted headache for IT teams
and network managers. Overcoming
that will involve developing a holistic
view of the whole network, and all
its decentralised aspects, as Kiehn
explains. “To tackle this complexity, IT teams
will need to think more carefully about how
they connect to the larger cloud ecosystem.
They will need to consider the different cloud
providers and where they are located, and in
turn the connectivity best suited to deliver the
best performance.” 59