Technology - USA (2021-03)

(Antfer) #1 65


Arvind Kumar joined NTT Global
Sourcing when it was established
in 2018, and oversees the group’s
indirect sourcing as Global Vice
President Indirects. His remit covers
payment solutions, real estate
construction, land acquisition, and
managing all the facility and workplace
services for NTT Group globally.

An experienced executive, Kumar’s
20-plus year career has seen him work
with market-leading organisations
in banking, real estate, sourcing,
and telecommunications, among
others. Prior to joining NTT, he held
several senior
roles at French multinational
Capgemini, including
Global Head Workplace
Transformation / Furniture
& Fixture Standardisation,
and Regional Chief
Procurement Officer
for India, UAE
and APAC.

Executive Profile:
Arvind Kumar

Title: Global VP of Indirects
Industry: Strategic Sourcing

NTT Global Sourcing Inc.

Number of Employees for
NTT Global Sourcing Inc.

80 +

Estimated Savings

contributing to the digitalisation efforts is
to look at the pre-existing programmes and
processes across the group and within the
categories that we manage. We also ensure
there is automation, enforce digitalisation,
and transform the category and processes
from legacy to next-generation.”

Ecosystem of value
This process of upscaling and reshaping legacy
systems is also evident in Kumar’s approach
to indirect sourcing. Traditionally, procurement
is a one-way process of assessing and
negotiating terms with a vendor to supply
a product or service. Kumar’s model has
upended this linear structure, instead creating
an ecosystem of partners with an economy
of shared capabilities, ideas and revenue
generation opportunities.
“I’m very passionate about this,” Kumar says.
“I truly believe there's a larger picture that a lot
of procurement organisations don't realise. The
supplier partner ecosystem we are building on
a strategic level provides vast opportunity to
create and add incentives to businesses within

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