Technology - USA (2021-03)

(Antfer) #1

96 March 2021


For over twenty years, MTM has
collaborated with carefully chosen partners
to develop innovative solutions that promote
independence, remove barriers, and help
connect community resources with
the people that need them. By leveraging
the capabilities of today’s deep tech and
partnering with just the right people, MTM
has been able to build a user-friendly digital
platform that streamlines workflows.
Digitization also avoids the errors and
limitations of manual, paper-based
processes. And all while increasing the
quality of life of members.
MTM has mastered the art of grabbing a
lift. MTM Link mimics all the best qualities of
Uber and Lyft that make for a user-friendly
experience while unburdening users from

MTM Technology

Scheduling trips

members nationwide

NEMT broker
one of the most established
in North America

calls every year
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