Technology - USA (2021-03)

(Antfer) #1

100 March 2021


make life easier for the people who need to
leverage our system and so we can deliver
on our promises in the best way possible.”
The platform was carefully designed with
users at heart to ensure optimal extraction
of benefits for all parties, from the end-user
to service partners, and is at the forefront of
MTMs success.
A digital claims process eliminates the
likelihood of errors and speeds up the claims
process, which improves cash flow, and
safeguards against fraud, waste, and abuse.
Driver complaints are investigated and
validated through GPS records. MTM is also
able to monitor who downloads the app and
uses the information to offer assistance and
help increase adoption rates.
But the fun doesn’t stop there. As all
members have a personal profile and the
app downloaded onto a device, they can
send out targeted marketing to help clients

He goes on to explain, “We spend a lot of
time looking for the right partners. We don’t
use the ‘P’ word lightly when it comes to our
technology partners. We find ones that are
flexible, that are open, that allow us to flex
the system in whatever manner that makes
sense so we can streamline workflows and

Alaina Macia talks about how

MTM is helping people

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